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Founded in 1947, in 2022 AIBS celebrates its 75th anniversary

Our Terms & Your Privacy

We take them seriously, read on for more.

Credit: Alexander Sinn

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Stipulating the Particulars

Terms of Use & Privacy Policies

This is the place for details on using our websites, how we keep your data private, and about your rights.


AIBS engages with our audience via websites, emails, newsletters, peer review projects, meetings, webinars, workshops, and more. To do that in a modern and efficient way, we provide technology resources, and sometimes retain peoples’ data in electronic systems.

Changes to Terms and Policies

Sometimes we may make changes to the terms and policies here. Each section of this page will always show the date of the last change, as well as the most up-to-date content.

Our Terms of Use

» Last updated: 10/23/2020

All visitors to this website are encouraged to read and understand this policy. By using the site, you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree, do not use the site.

The purpose of this website is to provide visitors’ professional and personal information, education, and as a means to interact with AIBS and our services. As such, please note:

Estimates as of 2020 are that more than 450 million public wifi hotspots can be found worldwide. Credit: Daiga Ellaby

Estimates as of 2020 are that more than 450 million public wifi hotspots can be found worldwide. Credit: Daiga Ellaby


Our Privacy Policy

» Last updated: 08/25/22 (prior 11/03/21, 10/23/2020)

How do we collect your data, and what data is collected?

Will we transfer your data, and how will it be stored?

How will we use your data?

How do we use cookies?

Some estimates are that by 2025 over 450 exabytes (4.5e+11 gigabytes) of data will be created globally each day. Credit: Christin Hume

Some estimates are that by 2025 over 450 exabytes (4.5e+11 gigabytes) of data will be created globally each day. Credit: Christin Hume


Your Rights

Your data belongs to you, and you have rights

Partner Organizations’ Data

The other information in this Privacy Policy details how AIBS handles the data we collect and control. From time to time, however, AIBS may partner with other organizations, and we may collect, receive, hold, or process data on their behalf. In these occasions AIBS will abide by the regulations governing the partner organization, and meet the requirements of AIBS’s defined role. If governing regulations or a defined role are undetermined, AIBS will follow industry best practices to keep data secure and private.

Contacting Us

To contact us about privacy or data protection requests or concerns, please use our contact form, and be sure to choose the “Privacy & Data Protection” option for the “Department” field.

Contacting Authorities

If you feel we have not addressed concerns or issues about data privacy you may submit a complaint to the relevant authorities.
