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Bullet bioscience, podcasts Ā· Feb 10, 2022

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While numerous studies have described the funding discrepancies faced by scientists at minority-serving institutions (MSIs), there is a relative paucity of information available about MSI-based scientistsā€™ participation in grant review, the process used by research funders to allocate their budgets. A new article from the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) sheds further light on grant review and the factors that underlie scientistsā€™ ability to participate in it.

Writing in the journal BioScience, AIBS scientists Stephen A. Gallo, Joanne H. Sullivan, and DaJoie R. Croslan describe the results of a survey disseminated to thousands of MSI-based scientists aimed at elucidating discrepancies in grant review participation between MSI-based scientists and those who work at traditionally White institutions (TWIs). The survey questions addressed a range of topics, including the scientistsā€™ recent funding and peer review experiences, as well as their motivations for engaging in the grant review process.

The survey results point to serious issues in grant review: Only 45% of respondents from MSIs reported participating in the grant review process, compared with an earlier surveyā€™s finding that 76% of scientists from TWIs were. This mismatch cannot be accounted for by differences in frequency of grant submission (which is roughly the same) or in scientist preferences, say the authorsā€”76% of MSI scientists reported an interest in taking part in grant review.

In this episode of BioScience Talks, weā€™re joined by the articleā€™s authors to discuss these and other findings described in their articleā€”as well as the ways that these issues might be best addressed.