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The fish replied: "I have a lot to say, but my mouth is full of water." - Armenian proverb

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Bullet policy, statements · May 16, 2022

AIBS Provides Testimony in Support of FY 2023 Funding for NSF

AIBS has provided testimony to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees regarding fiscal year (FY) 2023 funding for the National Science Foundation.

AIBS urged Congress to provide NSF with at least $11 billion in FY 2023, arguing that this level of funding is needed to “grow and sustain the U.S. bioeconomy and enable NSF to accelerate work on important initiatives at the frontiers of science and engineering.”

The testimony also applauded reauthorization proposals currently being considered by Congress to significantly expand NSF’s mission and budget. “Increasing investments in translational research through the new technology-focused directorate will bolster U.S. global leadership and competitiveness in innovation,” wrote AIBS. “However, we urge Congress to also make robust investments in basic and foundational research.”

Read the testimony submitted to the House. An identical version was submitted to the Senate.