AIBS has signed on to a statement, led by the Society of Personality and Social Psychology and signed by 19 other scientific societies, expressing concerns about recent policies enacted in Florida and other states that limit academic freedom in higher education and hinder initiatives that support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
“As scientific societies, our mission is to advance the teaching and application of science for the benefit of all people,” the societies note. “As part of this commitment, we support researchers who are examining the effects of systemic racism and discrimination in our society. We are also dedicated to monitoring and dismantling inequitable systems that continue to suppress many voices in our field.”
The statement strongly opposes interventions to censor the teaching of science or limit academic freedom and any actions designed to curb DEI initiatives at colleges and universities. “We urge policymakers and public officials everywhere to support instructors and students who are passionate about understanding the effects of race and racism in our society, as well as mitigating its effects on our own field.”