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Founded in 1947, in 2022 AIBS celebrates its 75th anniversary

"What news from the sea?"

The fish replied: "I have a lot to say, but my mouth is full of water." - Armenian proverb

The San Diego, California shoreline. Credit: Frank McKenna

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Bullet podcasts, statements · May 18, 2020

Joint Society Letter Opposing Supplemental to EPA Transparency Rule

Our organizations strongly oppose EPA’s supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPRM) to the “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” proposed rulemaking. Like the original proposed rule, this supplemental proposal would undermine sound science and put Americans’ health and the environment at risk. We are deeply concerned with EPA’s continued efforts to impede the use of critical science and implore the agency to withdraw the proposal.

Bullet podcasts, statements · May 18, 2020

Joint Comments on Supplemental to EPA Transparency Rule

As leading scientific, engineering, and higher education organizations - which together represent hundreds of thousands of scientists, engineers, and educators - we are writing to submit our comments on EPA's Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ("supplemental") to the Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science Proposed Rulemaking that was originally published on April 30, 2018.
Bullet podcasts, statements · Mar 31, 2020

BCoN Letter to OSTP Calling For $1 Billion to Support Biodiversity Research and Education

The Biodiversity Collections Network (BCoN) is a national initiative led by the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Natural Science Collections Alliance, and Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections. Through the membership of its founding organizations, BCoN represents the diversity of biological science societies, natural history museums and arboreta, living collections, and other research centers and organizations.