Founded in 1947, in 2022 AIBS celebrates its 75th anniversary

"What news from the sea?"

The fish replied: "I have a lot to say, but my mouth is full of water." - Armenian proverb

The San Diego, California shoreline. Credit: Frank McKenna

A small semi-transparent triangle for visual interest
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Bullet policy, statements · Mar 13, 2020

AIBS Testimony in Support of FY 2021 Funding for NSF

The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) appreciates the opportunity to provide testimony in support of fiscal year (FY) 2021 appropriations for the National Science Foundation (NSF). We encourage Congress to provide NSF with at least $9 billion in FY 2021. Additionally, we request that Congress consider economic options that can help scientific societies and organizations withstand the economic losses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bullet policy, statements · Mar 12, 2020

AIBS Letter to House Science Committee on COVID-19 Economic Measures

On behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), thank you for your leadership on behalf of science and to ensure our nation has the scientific capacity to inform and respond to significant public emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.